Symbolism of Heraldry (P2)

Symbolism of Heraldry

The meaning of colours and images on surname coats of arms (family crests) and shields (Page 2)

A listing with their meaning for some of the most commonly used images used in heraldry, appearing on surname coats of arms (or family crests), shields and crests (the smaller image above the helmet on a coat of arms), along with the heraldic colours (or tinctures) used.… Read more

Symbolism of Heraldry

Symbolism of Heraldry

The meaning of colours and images on surname coats of arms (family crests) and shields

A listing with their meaning for some of the most commonly used images used in heraldry, appearing on surname coats of arms (or family crests), shields and crests (the smaller image above the helmet on a coat of arms), along with the heraldic colours (or tinctures) used.… Read more